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Coach B

Oct 15, 2024

Why ANR athletes are destined for success.....

Optimal brain processing is necessary for efficient and precise execution of coordinated actions and movements required in sport.

To enhance our brain (the hardware we are born with) and our ability to impact our body systemically (our "software" neurological system within our body) athletes should be encouraged to incorporate Neuroplasticity exercises as part of their active recovery.

This is the foundation of my original sports psychology program ANR – Athlete Neuroplasticity Reset.

By balancing the rigorous demands of sport with a new outlet, habit or hobby we are allowing the section of your brain hard wired for performance/ training that you created with your years of training to rest and we are stimulating new areas of neural activity which will actually complement and enhance your performance.

Sound like psychobabble? Well, It’s not. Its Science! And is available to every athlete……..

So how can you get started by complementing and balancing your current athletic workload and nurture your brain to decrease stress but stimulate cognition without stress. Well, believe it or not you may already be doing so if you complete these activities alongside your training more than 3 times a week every week.

Here are some but not all neuroplasticity activities:

·      Playing an instrument

·      Painting or drawing, any fine motor skill movement using your hands to be creative

·      Gardening

·      Learning new languages

·      Listening to different types of music while drawing or using your non dominate hand

·      Active meditation like Tai Chi or Yoga

·      Playing video games, yes that’s right – in small doses this is actually great for your brain

There are so many ways you can stimulate inactive areas of your brain.

Knitting, crochet, tying knots ( even better when watching your fav y TV show as you have multiple stimulus similar to a competition environment) , brain games, Rubix cubes, playing chess, checkers, fishing.

You are only limited by your imagination.

When we combine these activities and follow the frame work of my program by addressing themes that come up for each individual athlete in their sport we give an athlete a new level of structure in managing the challenges of competition and training.

My unique ANR framework which I share with my athletes can then easily be adapted to life after sport only now the athlete has an increased level of awareness and enhanced cognition thanks to neuroplastcity exercises.

To think you have been depriving yourself of hobbies and extra curricular activities all this time when actually it could be the difference between what could really help you have a break through performance.

What have you got to lose ? Nothing ! Try it , relax, have fun and join my ANR athletes today and I will support you during this journey.


Coach b

Founder of Athlete Neuroplasticity Reset - ANR

Coach B Performance Psychology

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