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Oops ! Don't let your emotions ruin your performance....
How to achieve Emotional Self-regulation Emotional Self-Regulation means you can consciously influence how intensely you experience and...

Break the anxiety cycle - stop overthinking
By taking these 4 simple steps we can increase our awareness, reset our mindset and return to focused state.

A new year. A new perspective.
If you haven’t been seeing the results you’ve been working so hard for don’t be discouraged. It might not be your training. It could just...

Finding your"Sit Spot"
The key to Stress Relief for our Athletes can be as simple as finding a quiet place to sit in nature.... Helping Athletes relax and...

Embracing Self-Compassion in Sports
Not all experiences we have in sport are pleasurable or enjoyable and not all interactions with people in those environments are memories...

Create Space to Process Feedback
Coaches are not communications experts. Here's how to navigate the screaming.... Take a moment to step back from the situation Inhale a...

Aggression or Assertiveness? - walk the line.....
Sport, particularly contact sports are often poorly misconstrued as aggressive when in reality the actions of the athletes are in line...

When you Freeze in Competition
Failure to perform in competition or an inability to perform an "action" , often quantified as "inaction" by the athlete, is often...

Why every athlete needs a “Coach B” 🙃…..
because once an athlete “sees” themselves they understand their reasons for why they are doing sport.

Dispositional Optimism
Which one are you ? Dispositional Optimism in athletes is the natural tendency to lean towards positive outcomes regardless of the...

Tunes to help you focus

But thats exactly what I said!
Why adolescent athletes listen when someone other than mom or dad give advice. At times when I have explained to parents what their...

Ava-Go ! What’s holding you back ?
The answer: Trepidation - a nervous or fearful feeling of uncertain agitation. It comes from the Latin verb trepidare which means to...

Mental Imagery - Lets create a winning performance you can see !
Mental Imagery/ Visualization in sport is a tool that athletes have been using since the early 1900 ( Smith,D.1990). It can be used to...

Helping our Athletes Retain Information
How can we can we help our athletes retain the information we teach them ? All coaches, physical or mental, are always looking for...

Preparing for Success....
When we really break down how we prepare for competition there really is very little room for surprises. Take a look at all the areas you...
Fatigue and the Student Athlete.....
To understand how to manage the complexity of the different types of fatigue that can impact the performance of an athlete one has to...

"Is Brutal Training Necessary for Success?"
As an athlete I was always trying to compete as much as possible. Always asking my coach "can I race this weekend and next weekend, oh...
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