The key to Stress Relief for our Athletes can be as simple as finding
a quiet place to sit in nature....

Helping Athletes relax and unwind is no easy feat but I have discovered an excellent resource that is enlightening and easily utilizes natural resources with minimal expense. From the book "Rooted" by Lyanda Lynn Haupt, my favorite discovery is the "Sit spot" by Wilderness School Co Founder Jon Young.
As outlined in the book a Sit Spot allows you to create a way to reconnect with nature, relax and even allow the natural habitants of the area the opportunity to discover you.

For athletes with busy and inquisitive minds who like to be stimulated, this may be more appealing than just lying on yoga mat, practicing deep breathing in a sweaty room! Something I never enjoyed as athlete or felt remotely relaxed doing.
Try this instead for yourself, preferably without your pet dog like my Winston, when we found my "sit spot" and lets discover a private place that only you know.
Your sit spot can become a place you unwind, shed disappointments, cherish success, or prepare for the big moments of competition you may have ahead.
Just by sitting still in quiet times of reflection you will allow yourself the opportunity to reconnect with your natural environment and open an invisible door to see what creatures that live there may also join and support you in your time of reflection.
In today's busy world it is easy to get swept up in the hectic pace of life. Slowing down and taking time out to find clarity and become centered could be all that is needed to help your athlete relax, find peace and enjoy the simple pleasures nature provides.
Coach b