Coaches are not communications experts. Here's how to navigate the screaming....
Take a moment to step back from the situation
Inhale a few deep breaths and regain composure
Acknowledge Coach but don't apologize, use language instead like: "Coach I can see my performance was not the way you wanted...."
Then ask coach to explain what he/she would like to see "... can you show me how I can improve my performance?"
Depersonalize the way coach is speaking or the tone he/she is using and focus on the instructions
Keep your performance moving in the direction you want it to go
You do not need to manage coach emotions as well as your own
Learn to put space between you and coach when receiving feedback
Event + Response = Outcome
Remember you are an athlete who is performing a performance. This is not about you as a person. The feedback is about your performance. Depersonalization helps create space and keeps us focused on development and improving our performance.
Coach b